As our items are all made-to-order - on these items we do not offer a refund/exchange option. It is essential that when selecting from our extensive range of customizable options that you are totally satisfied with your own choice. We also take no responsibility for measurements not obtained directly by a Collarbone London authorized representative, partners or agents. If any errors are found as a result of measurements taken from a Collarbone London authorized representative, partner or agent. We will offer ONLY a full remake of the item with new measurements obtained at no extra cost.

We are more than happy to give assistance and guidance during the selection process to help you make your selection. However, we cannot be held accountable if you select the wrong design preferences of your item. We are totally committed to selling high-quality products and hope that you never find yourself in this position.

A remade commission based on an error in measurements will be processed ONLY when the item has been fully returned and reviewed to ensure the item is unused and unaltered following our internal checks conducted at QA before an item is shipped to you. Please ensure return of the item is done within 14 days of arrival.

Please contact us via our Contact page if you have any other queries.

Collarbone London Team